Friday 9 July 2010

Don't make me feel odd, old and mad .

Few years back, when I were working in Bangalore, I was exactly 24 years old. I used to travel back and forth to office by public transport (bus). During that, many school and college girls used to travel along with us. Funnily, almost all of them (the college girls, who were around 20 - 21 years of age) used to call me (and most others who are travelling for work) as "AUNTY". I used to think "Oh come on. I just completed my college last year and how I turned aunty to you?". But then, I never went for any explanation, as I didn't care much about it.

But now, the real irritation happened when were in India. A lady who is a year elder to me called me "AUNTY", just because she is still unmarried and I have a 3 years old son (Now, few of you may be scratching your head, how I know she is elder than me. FYI, she is one of my relatives distant relative).

I really felt odd and mad, but didn't know how to react to such a stupid onea nd my relative said, she does this often to make sure she is still younger than all.

One of my friend got married when we were in 10th grade (which means, she was just 16 years old at that time) and had a baby at her age of 17 itself. Now she has a 13 years old boy. Thankfully, this lady didn't get a chance to meet my friend. Else, she might have called her "Grand ma". Give me a break.

This topic may look funny and ofcourse it is. But sometimes, it relates with our emotions too. With days fleeing off, mind and physic getting tired every now and then, such words like "Aunty", really drives me crazy. But I really enjoy when small tender kids walking on the road sides to schools, call me "Aunty" :-)

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