Friday 9 July 2010

Never Mess Up With Your Kids.

My son has the habit of questioning a lot (though he never pays much attention to my effort of explaining him about the things he questioned). Sometimes his questioning sessions go beyond a limit that I feel irritated.

Yesterday I was cutting vegetables for preparing dinner. He sat next to me and started asking questions like "what is this?", showing each and every vegetables (though he knew the names of most of the vegetables already). He was asking again and again the names of the same vegetables. I got so irrritated (already bored with cooking), and so started saying wrong answers. When he showed tomato and asked what it was, I replied "It's an apple", etc... He patiently waited for a while thinking I may start giving right answers. But I continued saying wrong replies.

Finally he shouted "Amma, what you said are all wrong. This is not an apple, this is a tomato". I said "So, you know the right answers. Then why are you asking me?".

Here came the answer. The mind blowing answer. "Even you know everything. But then why are you asking me questions always and want me to repeat whatever you said".

Ahhhhhawwwwwww... Yes, yes. I am helping my dropped jaws to get back to position. Lesson learnt. Never mess up with your kid.

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